October 31, 2018


  • SCHEDULE CHANGE: On Wednesday 10/31/18, classes will end at 2:00 PM in order to run a fan bus to the boy’s and girls’ varsity soccer games.  The following activities will be available for students to participate in from 2:00-3:00 each day: Scott M will run a college application seminar; Hakan will run an open art studio and an opportunity to make cards for Hannah G and/or the victims of the latest tragedy; Colleen will put on a Halloween movie in the KIVA; Anna and Erika will start Urinetown rehearsal at 2:00 PM
  • REFUSE TO USE: The next RTU meeting is in the LTS Kiva on Fri., Nov. 2 from 1:30-3:00.
  • COSTUME HELP NEEDED: Anyone and everyone (esp. those of you who can hand-sew and/or have sewing machines) are needed. We’ll be at LTS from 10 am through at least 4 pm on November 3rd and 4th. Costume concept: STEAMPUNK! Please contact Anna.


30-Oct Emmanuel College MA 10:45 AM
31-Oct Denison University OH 8:30 AM
31-Oct Hampshire College MA 9:15 AM

Wed., Oct. 31
Varsity Girls Soccer @ Arlington 3:00

Wed., Oct. 31
grilled cheese sandwich with tomato basil soup
Thurs., Nov. 1
macaroni and cheese with or without ham
Fri., Nov. 2
Bosco sticks or tuna sandwich bag lunch
