World Kindness Day

Hello, LTS Students & Families!
This month’s focus is kindness. Did you know that November 13 is World Kindness Day?  The World Kindness Movement initiated this event in 1998, highlighting the importance of being kind to others and to ourselves.

During these uncertain times, it’s especially important to spread kindness whenever we can. It’s essential to understand that everyone experiences personal struggles. We may not always know what the person next to us is going through. A gesture as simple as a smile or a kind word can brighten someone’s day.
How can you be kind to others? In school, you can practice kindness by holding the door for a teacher or student. You can offer to help a classmate who may be stuck on their work. If you see someone eating alone at lunch, invite them to eat with you. You can thank a teacher for all of their hard work. LTS has many new students this year. Take the time to get to know them and welcome them to our community. These are just a few ways you can be kind here at LTS. I’d love to hear your ideas!
What does it mean to be kind to yourself? Being kind to yourself means trying not to judge yourself; compare yourself to others; hold yourself to unrealistically high standards; or talk down to yourself. How can you be kind to yourself? You can practice taking good care of yourself by getting enough sleep and finding ways to relieve stress. Reminding yourself of your wonderful qualities is another example of being kind to yourself. Positive affirmations are key! Also, take the time to give yourself some recognition. It’s easy to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, but we tend to ignore our own. These are just a few examples of what you can do.

November 27 is Random Acts of Kindness Friday. Rather than devoting one day to being kind, I encourage you all to be kind whenever you can. Lend a helping hand when you have the opportunity, whether it’s at home or school. Always remember to treat others the way that you would like to be treated.

Sprinkle kindness like confetti!
