Tuesday, December 6

Purchase or reserve your Phantom of the Opera tickets from Chelley.
Don’t forget to bring in your food item for the Community Sharing baskets.  Items need to be brought in by Thursday.
Through the month of December, the 8th grade is sponsoring a clothing drive to benefit the Rutland County Head Start Program. Specific needs include boys and girls size 3-5 underwear, coats and snow pants; preschoolers’ mittens, hats and socks;  and snow boots in children’s sizes 9, 10 and 11. Please donate gently used, outgrown or new items to this wonderful cause of students helping younger children and their families have the clothing to enjoy the great outdoors comfortably! There are collections bins in Long Trail’s Main Entrance for your clothing donations. If you have questions about contributing, please contact Jill Burke.

8th graders: please remember to sign up for refreshments for Thursday night concessions—and consider seeing the show that night so you can help with sales!

NHS meeting in the Hub at lunch on Wednesday: agenda includes ziti dinner.

Friday night–support the NHS by having ziti dinner right here at LTS before seeing Phantom! Dinner will be served from 5-7 pm.

Tues., Dec. 6 pasta with chicken and broccoli or vegetarian alfredo, or harvest salad
Wed., Dec. 7 cheeseburger or veggie burger with fries, or garden salad
Thurs., Dec. 8 grilled cheese and tomato-basil soup, or chicken caesar salad
Fri., Dec. 9 pulled pork or roasted veggie and cheddar sandwich with chips
